My first Thingiverse Publication

Wall Mounted Filament Buffer

I couldn’t wait for the Filament Buffer to be shipped from Prusa and my effort was rewarded.  Today I published my first Thingiverse item, a wall mount for the Prusa MMU 2S Filament Buffer.

Wall Mounted Filament Buffer
Filament Buffer Wall Mounted

Desk Space

The MMU 2.0 had trays that held filament and had to be 16″ behind the printer.  I couldn’t fit all five trays back there even after turning the printer sideways.

Clean look and feel

With the five filaments hanging sideways against the wall above the filament buffer everything is clean and off the desk.  I simply attached the filament buffer to the wall and slid the printer into a comfortable spot.

Easy Access

I was able to leave a lot of room above the Filament Buffer and the latch is minimal so it is easy to remove the buffer from the wall to deal with any filament issues or to move the printer. The buffer is easily freed from its ledge.

Filament Buffer Latch
Top filament buffer mount is a light ‘latch’.


I like the end results and look forward to seeing it in action.


Author: Marc